In every developing country there is a need to build infrastructure and modern conveniences. Too often this has been financed by accepting massive debts that cripple the economy and hamstring successive governments to do the bidding of international corporations to the detriment of its own people.
The people have the skills but no real investment in their independent national industries.
At the same time Africans in the diaspora are fast becoming the richest slaves in history. Flush with just enough foreign currency to sustain a vain lifestyle but not enough to change their collective condition and make a difference in the world.
The people have the money (collectively) but no independent projects to invest in that will change their condition.
Click or hover on the picture below to see the key benefits our programme offers to local communities:
Greater Employment opportunities
Up to 4m ZMW initial investment
Up-scaling local industry partners with modern technology
Empowerment of local people though skills transfer
& out-growers schemes
Reduced European & Chinese involvement
Higher standards
of accommodation
Greater community cohesion
Click or hover on the picture below to see the key benefits our programme offers to partners in the Diaspora:
Skills and Training in essential trades and Agriculture
Business development opportunities
Low cost residential plots of land within intentional communities
Governmental Allowances & Support
Low repatriation costs
Low cost residential plots of land within intentional communities
Health and Wellbeing facilities
Excellent cross continent links (Zambia borders 8 countries)
Tailor Made Recreational Activities including local safari
Independent Education facilities
Low cost Housing built to international standards
Supported track to Citizenship