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10 Interesting Facts About Zambia

Next Level Developments

Updated: Sep 11, 2022

Zambia is one of the most beautiful countries in South Africa. It is a landlocked country in the southern part of Africa, bordered on the north by the Democratic Republic of Congo, to the east by Tanzania, to the south-east by Malawi and to the west by Zimbabwe. Zambia has a rich and diverse natural environment. If you love nature this is your country! Here are some interesting facts about Zambia.

1. The Termite Hills Are The Size Of A House

The termite hills are the size of a house and they are particularly numerous in the north. These giant termite mounds, called 'ninjya' which means stars because of their resemblance to a star, can reach a height of 2m and have a diameter of 10m. These hills are found in most parts of Africa including Zimbabwe and Kenya but Zambia is known for being home to the largest ones.

2. Only One Country Has More Elephants Than Zambia

Unofficially the most numerous safari animal in the world and Africa's largest land animal those numbers in Zambia are over 800. The elephants are extremely friendly and often let tourists ride on their backs. They roam freely in most of the country's national parks and reserves where they feed on grasses that grow on the plateau.

3. The Traditional Name For Victoria Falls Is Mosi-Oa-Tunya

The majestic waterfall on the Zambezi River is one of the most scenic sights in Africa. It's a breathtaking view from either side, with the waterfall dropping into a narrow gorge. It has different names across the world but locally it is Mosi-oa-Tunya, which translates as Smoke that Thunders.

4. Victoria Falls Is Double The Height Of Niagara Falls

It is twice the height of Niagara Falls and it is a lot wider than its North American counterpart. It's actually the world's largest sheet of falling water and the second largest curtain of falling water in the world (the first being Iguazu Falls near Brazil). The spray from Victoria Falls can be seen from up to 30km away.

5. Zambia Is One Of Africa's Most Stable Countries

Zambia is one of Africa's most stable and democratic countries. The landlocked country has had remarkable economic growth in the last 15 years. In 1982, Zambia joined the Commonwealth and it was made a republic in 1964. Independence came only in 1991 and since then Zambia has been generally peaceful.

6. Zambia Relies On Copper As One Of Its Biggest Exports

Copper is one of the most important resources in Zambia. The country has over 20% of world copper reserves and copper is one of its biggest exports. In fact, Zambia can be considered the country that has experienced the greatest economic growth in the last 15 years due to its vast copper reserves, estimated at 75 million metric tons. Copper extraction accounts for 80% of export earnings.

7. The Currency Of Zambia Is Called The Zambian Kwacha

The currency of Zambia is called the Zambian Kwacha and it is equivalent to 100 cents. The kwacha was introduced in 1967 during the period of Kenneth Kaunda's government.

8. Zambia Has A Smaller Population Than North Korea

Zambia has a population of 11 million people (about half of which live in the urban areas) whereas North Korea with a population of around 20 million is even less populous.

9. Zambia Is One Of The Fastest Growing Economies In Africa

Zambia is the fastest growing economy in Africa and has one of the highest economic growth rates in the world with an average annual growth rate of around 5% since 2000, making it one of the wealthiest countries in Africa. Zambia's economy has a huge potential because of its vast copper reserves.

10. Zambia Is The Place Where The First Human Heart Transplant Was Done

The first successful heart transplantation in human history was done at University Teaching Hospital in Lusaka. The operation was conducted by Dr Christian Barnard and the patient lived for 18 days with this new organ before dying of pneumonia.

These are a few interesting facts about Zambia. Hope you enjoyed reading it! If you are thinking about visiting this beautiful country then you should definitely join our annual group trip to discover all the options and opportunities available as you consider repatriation or investment.

The dates for our next group trip are November the 10th - 24th. Happy visit!



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